ARMA Viyol As an Innovative Company in the Field of Molded Pulp Packaging Products

Arma Viyol is a company operating under the ARKOC Group. ARKOC is a conglomerate of companies involved in the metal processing, casting, energy, electronic meters, and packaging sectors. The flagship company of the group, ARKOC Vana Inc. manufactures large-scale valves used in irrigation systems and dams and ranks among the top three companies in its sector.

ARMA Viyol, on the other hand, was established within the ARKOC group to produce molded pulp packaging for industrial products using paper pulp. For approximately 12 years, it has been producing various types of Viyol (Egg Viyol, health products, industrial products, etc.) from paper pulp obtained from recycled paper. ARMA Viyol operates within an 8,000 m² enclosed area, with three modern production lines and a workforce of 60 employees.


In the field of Molded Pulp Packaging, also known as Viyol production, our vision is to become a leading company that meets customer demands and expectations by applying different techniques, continually updating and improving its technology in line with demand and expectations, reliable, constantly growing, committed to change, and synonymous with the work it does.


To realize our vision, we aim to produce environmentally friendly products to leave a clean world for future generations. We strive to provide our customers with high-quality products that are cost-effective and time-efficient.


  • Commitment to quality, cost, time-based customer focus, and customer satisfaction,
  • Working together with employees trained well,
  • Occupational health and safety,
  • Providing our employees with high standard working and living conditions,
  • Continuous improvement within a "We" approach using training and new technologies,
  • Environmental protection and a clean world for tomorrow,
  • Differentiation in products and services.


  • Product support
  • Design support
  • Mold design and production support